What You'll Learn

Authentic Kabbalah explains that the letters of the Hebrew language are channels of Divine energy and vibration through which God brings everything in creation into being in real time.

As core channels of creation of both the spiritual and physical worlds, the letters of the Holy Tongue hold great mystery and incredible creative power.

This series is a must for anyone who wants to learn the Hebrew alphabet in a profoundly enlightening, relevant and unforgettable way. Each letter is a class by itself, and each class will teach you something profound about the building blocks of creation while helping you to experience the underlying Divine reality beneath the surface of our physical world. 

Taught by the dynamic, passionate always entertaining Nili Salem, these classes will open up a comprehensive understanding of the Code of Creation, including some core Kabbalistic secrets that will inspire and enlighten you. For learners at all levels who know that there is more to this universe than meets the eye!


Nili Salem

Nili Salem is a Narrative Therapist, sought after Speaker, and teacher of Jewish studies. She has traveled the world to bring Torah to both Jews and non-Jews in relevant, creative and deeply meaningful ways.

Nili is also one of the most creative and captivating Torah teachers around. She couples a passionate love of Torah with a deep understanding of the human heart. Her approach to teaching is mind-blowing, dynamic and engaging, and she doesn’t hesitate to use costumes, music and movement to make the learning absorbable, memorable and transformational.